3 Services Handled By Pest Control In Singapore

Pests are defined as animals and plants that can cause any form of harm to humans and their activities. The most common type of pest is small bugs that love to crawl their way into homes and the food we eat in order to nourish themselves. There are also microscopic pests that are difficult to spot, making it hard for us to eliminate them on our own. Since many pests have the ability to spread diseases, it’s important to call pest control in Singapore during the early stage of infestation so that they can get rid of the problem before it gets worse.

There are multiple pest control services in Singapore that are provided by certain companies aside from the usual pest control. To better understand what pest control professionals can do for you, here is a short list of services provided by them.

1. Pest Control And Management

Pest control covers different kinds of pests as well as various types of properties. If the construction site you’re working in is filled with pests and you’re afraid that someone will get severely ill because of them, then a pest control company can handle it for you despite the large area. Pest control isn’t limited to houses; it can also work with commercial spaces and vehicles. Aside from rodents, they also provide cockroach pest control in Singapore along with termites, mosquitoes, flies, and other pests of smaller sizes. Although eliminating pests can be manageable when there are only a few of them, it’s best to think about the ones that are possibly hiding from your sight. Pest control can deal with these creatures until none of them is left.

2. Mould Removal

Mould is a common problem for most homeowners that live in humid countries. Moulds appear on hot and damp surfaces and are known to cause respiratory infections when exposed to people for too long. Hard-to-clean areas are the usual targets of moulds which make it extra difficult for us to remove them. Not only will you have to worry about catching infections, but you also have to live in fear of getting allergies from the spores it produces. Luckily, mould removal in Singapore is one of the services offered by pest control companies. Their methods are scientifically proven to remove traces of mould from their very roots.

3. Disinfection

Besides mould removal and termite pest control in Singapore, pest control companies also offer the service of disinfecting spaces to help prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading, especially after having people who are positive cases enter the premises. This service is usually used for public establishments.

Are you looking for pest control services in Singapore to deal with your pest problem? Visit Ridpest Pte Ltd today!