Marketing matters. You can have a most useful product, like a surfboard that allows people to better glide through the biggest waves with relative ease. It’s the first of its kind, and you’re pretty sure surfers all over the world will want it. Line up for it even.
Unless you’re able to market that product well, nobody will spend a dollar on it. That’s the truth about marketing. Without marketing, even the best products might fail.
By the same token, you might have a most gregarious open-concept kitchen accentuated by the latest amenities money can buy. Your bathroom is also top of the line, complete with hot and cold showers and a large bathtub. Plus, your living room is spacious, accentuated with a custom-made cocktail table.
But do take note. If your precious abode doesn’t look good from the street, selling it can be an uphill climb. That’s what makes curb appeal paramount.
Making the Most of First Impressions
Right off the bat, curb appeal is your precious abode’s most potent marketing tool. Indeed, it’s more than just making your home look admirable from the outside. It serves a key purpose.
Think about it. The outstanding interior and superb rooms won’t matter if the buyer doesn’t even come in to take a closer look. Curb appeal is the magnet that pulls your buyers in.
You might not put so much weight into how your property looks when viewed from the streets. Instead, you might prioritize making sure the kitchen and the bathrooms work seamlessly. It’s true. Prioritizing the inside of the house is a must. But you will be meeting a lot of cold shoulders if you disregard curb appeal.
Remember that first impressions last. Taking note of this will bid you well online and offline. In the digital age, 90% of buyers view homes online. What does that mean? It’s simple, actually. Eye-popping pictures that show how stunning your curb appeal is will draw more looks now more than ever.
How to Achieve Stunning Curb Appeal
To improve your home’s curb appeal, here are key areas you need to look into:
- The Exterior of Your Property
Think of it as giving an old car a new look. You will have to give it proper washing to bring out the best. For your house, look into the siding and give it a timely wash. Make sure you include the deck. You’ll give your house an impressive makeover.
- Your Driveway
Depending on the condition of your driveway, make sure it’s in tip-top shape. For one, the presence of weeds can give the impression that the property is neglected. Make sure to trim them or get them out of the picture if necessary.
Additionally cracks in the cement pavement can be a minus to your curb appeal. In this regard, concrete lifting and leveling should be timely. While you might be tempted to DIY the project, experts can do it half the time with the right machinery. Plus, you’re assured of a professional finish to make your driveway even more outstanding.
- Impressive Landscaping
First up, mind the foliage. All the grass, celebratory flowers and gardens should be well-maintained. Done right, these can be a major head-turner.
In hindsight, this is also why you need to ensure that your landscaping is as impressive as it can be. It actually depends on you. You can devote a significant number of hours to attaining a more stunning landscape. Or you can keep things simple.
Make sure you evaluate the front lawn with a keen eye. You don’t want to make your property look like it’s been left behind. Dirt patches should be dealt with head-on. The same holds for those dying and overgrown bushes. If the task sounds like a tall order, getting outside help is the way to go forward.
- The Roof
Don’t forget the roof. This one shows up in the picture. Make sure your roof doesn’t look worn and dilapidated. If it’s been a long time since anyone inspected your roof, this should be a golden opportunity for you. A well-maintained roof speaks highly of your property.
In the end, it’s all about doing your due diligence. When you do, you’ll realize having a stunning curb appeal isn’t actually a tough job after all. It’s the fastest way to get your house its rightful buyer.