Has your carpet just been cleaned by professional carpet cleaners? If yes, that is the best decision to maintain your home clean and healthy. But to maximize the benefits of professional carpet cleaning, you have to take care of your carpet after the cleaners have left. For instance, they will advise you to avoid using the carpet or stepping on it until it gets completely dry.
Here are more tips on how to take care of your carpet after the cleaners leave.
Ensure your kids and pets stay away from the damp spots.
If you have kids and pets, ensure they stay away from the damp spots of the carpet to allow it to dry well without interference. Do not allow them to touch the fibers, and ensure your family members put on soled shoes if they must walk on the damp carpet. Remember that socks, bare feet, and shoes may soil the carpet quickly.
Avoid placing your furniture on damp rugs.
Do not place your furniture immediately on the carpet after professional carpet cleaning, as it will leave red and rust marks if the carpet is not completely dry. It is good to wait for at least 24hours before putting the furniture back on the rug.
Avoid walking on the rug with shoes on
Walking on your damp carpet with shoes can soil it even after a thorough carpet cleaning Beverly hills. You can wear clean flip-flops or walk on the carpet barefoot as long as your feet are clean. It is also good to adopt the practice of taking off your shoes before walking in to maintain your carpet for long.
Allow sufficient time for the carpet to dry.
After thorough carpet cleaning, it is advisable to allow enough time for the carpet to dry before getting back to your normal routine. Depending on the carpet cleaning method used, it can take around 24hours for your carpet to dry or less, especially during summer. Leave the fans on as you close the house if you won’t be around. If it is humid, it is best to keep the windows open or use a dehumidifier to lessen the drying time.
Avoid dermal contact with cleaning agents.
Although a reputable carpet cleaning company will use standardized cleaning agents, it is advisable to avoid any dermal contact to avoid sensitivity. Also, ensure that your carpet cleaners dispose of the remnants of the cleaning agents appropriately before leaving your home.
Avoid vacuuming for the next 48hours
Avoid vacuuming your carpet at least for 48hours after professional cleaning as it can remove the protective coatings. Allow sufficient time for the carpet to dry completely.
Clean spills as they occur
Normalize cleaning spills on your carpet as they occur. Wine, coffee, hair dye, food, paint, and nail polish stains may be hard to remove, but leaving them on the carpet only makes them permanent. Ensure you target them immediately to prevent staining your rug permanently.
The takeaway
Carpet odors may seem stronger after a thorough cleaning but do not worry about them as they will go away once the carpet is completely dry. Also, let your carpet cleaner know if the odors persist even after drying the rug.