Types of Pests to Know About


Pests are defined as “harmful organisms or parasites that may serve as a common vector of disease and cause damage to crops or property.” Pests can manifest themselves in many ways. They can affect a person’s quality of life, depress property values, lower one’s real estate value, create health risks, and diminish the commercial value of the land on which one lives.

The eggs of insects generally hatch into larvae that look more like miniature versions of the adult insect.

Types of Pests to Know About

Five main types of pests invade homes. They are cockroaches, ants, spiders, rodents, and termites.


Ants are social insects and live in colonies that can be inside or outside of the home. Ants usually nest in soil but occasionally build nests indoors. Inside the home, they nest on countertops or in water heaters. Ants are difficult to control because there is always more than one colony to control, and they are hard to reach where they nest.


Cockroaches come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Two main types of cockroaches live indoors: German cockroaches and American cockroaches. German cockroaches can be found throughout the United States in basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. American cockroaches are typically found in the southern United States and northern Florida. German cockroaches are tough to kill and can survive cold weather. They sometimes carry pathogens that cause diseases, such as tuberculosis and typhoid fever.

House Spiders

House spiders are usually found in the kitchen or bathroom. These spiders can be tricky to get rid of, so it is imperative to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the disease. House spiders are also known to bite humans because they are predators, so if there are a lot of them in a household and they sense danger, they will bite.


Rodents wreak havoc on homes because they can chew through wires eat your food, all while leaving feces behind. These problems make it extremely difficult to keep pests out.

How to Protect a Home from Pests

Eliminate a Source of Food

The most crucial step in protecting a home from pests is eliminating any food sources that cause the pests to visit your home. If a food source is not present, the pests will have no reason to visit you.

Seal Openings and Entry Points

Sealing openings and entry points will prevent crawling insects from getting into homes. It can also prevent rodents and other animals from entering a home.

Use Exclusion Materials

Exclusion materials are used to block off entrance points. There are several: caulking, sealant, and foil. The best types of exclusion materials contain a pesticide or an insecticide.

Use Pesticides Properly

Pesticides should only be used as directed on the label. Never use pesticides indoors because there is a chance that it could cause harm to you or your family members.

Prevent Pets from Bringing Home Insecurities

Keeping pets out of the home will help you prevent infestations. Eliminating all possible food sources is a great way to do this because it will be tough for any pests to survive. Pets bring in many diseases and parasites that may not affect your pet but can cause illness or disease in your family members.


The most effective way to deal with pests is to prevent them from ever coming inside your home in the first place. Eliminating food sources and sealing entry points will help keep pests out. Utilizing exclusion materials designed for pest prevention will also help keep pests out of the home. Pesticides are usually the only way to get rid of pests besides having an exterminator come out and exterminate them. Get Pyrid aerosol from our stores